Spiritual Constipation
is a wake-up call without an annoying alarm clock. If you are ready to look in a new direction and explore boundless possibilities, all the while laughing somewhat inappropriately, Stephen is your travel guide.
Come on in, the water’s fine!
In this book, you’ll discover:
- How your mind works (psychology) + your True Nature (spirituality) = a “Psycho/Spiritual” Inner Wisdom GPS to guide you through life
- A refreshing alternative to the rigid, rule-based, deprivation-inducing “self-help” programs
- How to Calm the F*ck Down… and rest in peace (while still alive)
- The secret to being in a meditative state without meditating
- Why “trying harder” usually backfires, and the way of effortless effort
- Guided Meditations and Hypnosis Audio sessions (included)
- The punchline to the Cosmic Joke (it’s always nice to be in on the joke)
Listen to the Changeable Podcast
Dr. Amy Johnson and I discuss the difference between truth and belief, how oneness is radically different from connectedness, and how sensing our unity with all things can help us achieve an embodied sense of oneness.
What people are saying about the book
About The Author
Stephen Ladd (preferred pronouns Us/We/One) is a coach, author, podcaster, and speaker specializing in existential constipation – the sense of being stuck, jammed up or blocked within the bowels of everyday life or on the spiritual journey (which are one and the same).
Stephen’s Transformative coaching is grounded in compassionate curiosity, connection, and mutual exploration into how we experience the external world, reconnecting to our True Nature, and the authentic freedom that is available as our minds settle and allow space for our Innate Wisdom to become the guiding force in our everyday lives.