Speaker One Sheet

Stephen Ladd

LMT, Coach, Author, Speaker

Website: RenegadeLifeCoach.com

Instagram: @renegadelifecoach

TikTok: @coachstephenladd

Appeared On


Stephen Ladd is a licensed bodyworker and coach specializing in existential constipation – the sense of being stuck, jammed up or blocked within the bowels of everyday life or on the spiritual journey.

Stephen traversed an unorthodox path of education and training, combining traditional academics, mentorships, and off-the-grid journeys. His formal University studies were focused on Psychology, Philosophy and Comparative Religion.

His unique PsychoSomatic Bodywork blends Deep Myofascial Release techniques with Nervous System Rests and Reiki to integrate Mind, Body & Spirit.

Stephen’s Transformational coaching is grounded in compassionate curiosity, connection, and mutual exploration into how we experience the external world, the depth of our True Nature, and the authentic freedom that is available as our minds settle and allow space for our Innate Wisdom to blossom within us.

Suggested Interview Topics

  • The integration of bodywork, psychology and spirituality
  • Physical discomfort as a gateway to surrender and freedom
  • The Utility of Psychology and Spirituality in Everyday Life
  • The Role of Levity on the Spiritual Path
  • Belief vs. Truth
  • Seeking vs. Looking/Pondering
  • The End of Struggle and The Way of Effortless Effort
  • Authentic Freedom

Suggested Interview Questions

  • What are the different modalities that you utilize in your PsychoSomatic Bodywork practice?
  • How did you come to incorporate these techniques?
  • How does it integrate the body and mind?
  • Is this style of bodywork inherently painful?
  • How and why do people get stuck?
  • Why does trying harder often seem to backfire on a spiritual journey?
  • How can we differentiate between Truth and a Belief?
  • How does a non-duality perspective look in everyday life?
  • What is the punchline to the Cosmic Joke?

Stephen’s Book

Spiritual Constipation is available on Amazon now!

What people are saying about the book

Stacy Shelts
“This read was clever, nourishing, hilarious, and truly… A HUGE RELIEF!!”
Annie Keener
“This book is a lighthearted but substantive gem for all searchers, and a refreshing, energetic read. Highly recommend.”
Robert Brightwell
“Reading this book is like having a beer with a wise, irreverent friend.”